CAKEMIX is a live act celebrating the music of the band CAKE.

We deliver high-energy, family-friendly live performances of up to 90 minutes targeted primarily at spring-summer-fall community festivals and private parties within driving distance of St. Louis, MO.

We're not precisely a tribute band or a cover band. Imagine CAKEMIX as an originals act with great songs, which all happen to be written by CAKE. We nails the hooks, and otherwise use CAKE's arrangements as a template to show off our member's talents and strengths.

CAKEMIX is a vehicle for the band to practice the art and craft of transcendent live music performance and to share those experiences with audiences. No clicks, no tracks, no LED screens. This is about you and being your very best at performing live to entertain.

We're looking for core members, sidemen, gig-savers, roadies and techs. If you have an interest in any role in the project, please get in touch. If you are a good fit, I will find a way to fit you in.

CAKEMIX is fronted by Bradley Neil. Read a little more about him at his Bandmix profile, or a alot more at his web site Also, see for some band philosophy.

CAKEMIX's current "short set" list is
Love You Madly (in E)
Opera Singer (transposed from E to A)
The Distance (in E)
Never There (in E)
Sheep Go To Heaven (transposed from A to D)
Short Skirt/Long Jacket (in D)
Stickshifts & Safety Belts (transposed from E to A)

CAKEMIX's audition songs are Opera, Sheep, and Stickshifts.

Some support materials:
Lyric sheets/song chart outlines/tabs
Audition guidelines
Roadie and tech job description
CAKE songs on YouTube
CAKE's catalog in the order to be learned:

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